Mis behave meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Mis behave
As adjective :
अभद्र व्यवहार
Mis behave synonyms
fool around offend fail misconduct roughhouse deviate transgress be at fault be bad be dissolute be guilty be immoral be indecorous be insubordinate be mischievous be out of line be out of order be reprehensible bend the law do evil do wrong get into mischief go astray go wrong make trouble sow wild oats take a wrong turn blunder rage raise cain lose it make a fuss caper cavort clown joke play romp show off play jokes whoop it up contravene violate defy infringe evade flout ignore overstep decline differ balk riot withstand disagree object revolutionize desert resist revolt rebel mutiny strike counteract neglect dare shirk run riot recalcitrate be remiss break rules fly in face of go counter to insurrect not heed not listen not mind pay no attention to rise in arms set aside take law into own hands stumble miscalculate blow goof lapse flub muff snafu misjudge misapprehend fall wander foul up mess up screw up louse up bollix be in error be inaccurate be incorrect be mistaken boo-boo drop the ball make a mess of slip up snarl up cheat backslide fall from grace break commandment break law commit crime live in sin take the primrose path wallow in the mire intrude poach encroach invade poke crash displease meddle interlope obtrude penetrate entrench butt in horn in kibitz chisel in crash the gates do wrong by mix in muscle in nose in stick nose in horseplay act out behave badly set a bad example
Mis behave antonyms
obey behave discontinue stop mismanage be calm be serious consent harmonize aid comply concur assist observe accept agree conform help go along support do oblige regard submit stay understand correct go direct retreat leave alone keep off
Usage of Mis behave in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi 
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